The New Horizons Dome Theater and Planetarium is now showing:
Global Soundscapes: Mission to Record the Earth LIVE Interactive Show 11:40 am, 2:20 pm, 4:20 pm
Astronaut: Ocean to Orbit Giant Screen Film 10:20 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
LIVE! Night Sky Star Show with Museum Educator Planetarium Presentation 11:00 am, 12:20 pm, 1:40 pm, 3:40 pm
*** Remember to purchase your theater tickets at the Museum’s main building at the top of the hill.
The New Horizons Dome Theater and Planetarium featuring the world’s first Spitz Scidome 4k Laser full-dome planetarium projection system is named after the NASA spacecraft that recently flew by Pluto.